Clinical Podcasts
Annals on call
Discussion and debate on clinically influential articles published in Annals of Internal Medicine.
American Society of Clinical Oncology Podcasts
A number of podcasts to help keep up to date on the latest changes, challenges and advances in oncology.
Aussie Med ED
Hosted by Dr. Gavin Nimon - an Orthopaedic Surgeon deeply committed to medical education.
Australian Prescriber
Provides a regular discussion on topics published in Australian Prescriber.
Black Dog Institute
Mental health topics, providing expert knowledge from and for health professionals.
Cochrane Podcasts
Current Evidence from the Cochrane Library
The BMJ Podcast
Regular podcast to provide up to date interviews and debate with opinion leaders in health and medicine.
BMJ Best Practice
Interviews with clinical experts aimed at healthcare professionals to keep up to date with the latest scientific developments, evidence-based
medicine and guidelines.
BMJ Talk Evidence
Research, guidance and practice are debated and demystified.
Center for Medical Simulation
Podcasts from the Center for Medical Simulation team.
Teach Think Treat
Experts from The Melbourne Children's Hospital give advice and insights, tips and tricks, and discuss latest research findings on a range of topics..
GU Cast
An Independent podcast.videocase focussing on all things prostate, kidney, bladder testis and penile cancer.
Happy Nurse Educator
Nursing Education Insights by nursing educators.
Jama Network Podcasts
Podcasts based on peer-reviewed articles published in JAMA.
KeyLIME Podcasts
Key Literature in Medical Education. Bi-weekly form the Royal College of Physicians and Surgeons of Canada
The Lancet Voice
Fortnightly podcast from the Lancet family of journals
Medical Education
Podcasts from the journal Medical Education.
MJA Podcasts
Australia's general medical academic peer-reviewed journal.
Medical Rehab Matters
Medical Rehab Matters discusses some of the conditions treated and therapies used in inpatient medical rehab hospitals and units.
NEJM this week
New England Journal of Medicine weekly summary.
NEJM Interviews
Interviews regarding new medical research findings, review articles and editorial opinion on a wide variery of topics.
Nurse Educator
Nurse Educator tips for teaching.
Nursing Australia
News and education podcast for Australian nurses prented by the Australian Primary Health Care Nurses Association.
Nursing Education Insights
Important topics in Nursing Education from the latest advancements in teaching strategies to applying th Clinical Judgment Measurement Model.
Nursing Standard
A regular podcast on topics affecting nurses and healthcare.
Oncology Nursing Podccast
Join oncology nurses as they sit down to discuss the topics important to nursing practice and treating patients with cancer.
Pomegranate Health
A podcast about the communication, ethics and the culture of medicine from the Royal Australasian College of Physicians.
In-depth interviews with scientists publishing in Archives of Physical Medicine and Rehabilitation and news briefs relevant to rehabilitation clinicians.
Podcast dedicated to the discussion of healthcare simulation.